Owned & Fashioned by a Team of Spirited Women.
A Passionate Mission
BIATCH is a lifestyle brand that celebrates the flavor of luxury and the spirit of incredible women. The BIATCH strategy is to appeal to women like the fun girls behind this great brand including BIATCH all female investors.
BIATCH is 100% women owned and is passionate about building a community promoting the empowerment and success of women. A portion of our proceeds goes to supporting women’s causes…and, we intend to make at least 50 women millionaires!
The Bottles
It is no secret that female shoppers often respond to unique bottle designs when choosing spirits. And that is nothing to be shy about. The BIATCH bottle design intentionally parallels fashion. These crowned bottles (think “queen BIATCH”) are collectible, chromed, and soon to be jeweled. They nod to favorite perfume bottles, jeweled handbags, and sparkling designer accessories. In fact, the girls at BIATCH often consider BIATCH Tequila bottles the favorite new accessory.
The Tequila
Spirits aren’t just for men anymore. Women are cutting calories and sugar by leaving wine and beer behind while trending toward spirits in big numbers. BIATCH Tequilas are artfully handcrafted and intentionally made for the woman’s palate. There is a bottle or every occasion whether grand or small. BIATCH offers four well crafted premium and ultra premium sipping tequilas with slightly sweet, enticing flavors women already love more than their favorite luggage.